Parklea Association Branching Out Ltd was established in 1997 to help to develop local individuals with support needs to fulfill their potential. Parklea use horticulture as a vehicle to provide a variety of different training, work experience, supported employment, recreational and social facilities for a variety of clients including adults and children with learning and/or physical disabilities, those with mental health problems, school leavers, young and long term unemployed, elderly groups and community groups. Parklea also provide training to SVQ level in horticulture and employability programmes.
Social and Therapeutic Horticulture is distinct from domestic gardening because it operates in an organised and formalised environment.
It is the participation by a range of vulnerable people in groups and communities whose activities are centred around horticulture and gardening.
It is the process of using plants and gardens to improve physical and mental health, as well as communication and thinking skills.
It uses the garden as a safe and secure place to develop someone’s ability to mix socially, make friends and learn practical skills that will help them be more independent.
This diagram shows the beneficial impact of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture on clients.